Con Doolan


Curriculum vitae

Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

UNSW Sydney

Con Doolan



Con Doolan


Curriculum vitae

Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

UNSW Sydney


Professor Con Doolan has an honours degree in Mechanical Engineering and a PhD in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Queensland.  After working at the University of Glasgow, Department of Defence (Australia) and University of Adelaide, he is now a Professor at the University of New South Wales, Sydney. Professor Doolan founded and leads the Flow Noise Group, a world leader in aeroacoustics, which is the science of sound produced by fluid flow. His research ranges from the fundamental to the applied, with extensive projects with the Australian Research Council and industries from the Defence, medical, mining, energy, aerospace and construction sectors.

Over the past decade, I have also developed a very productive partnership
with Professor Raina MacIntyre of the Kirby Institue of UNSW. Here, we have
developed experimental and computational methods to investigate aerial pathogen
formation and dispersion, indoors and in the atmosphere.

Research Interests
Aeroacoustics, Flow-Induced Noise, Acoustic Beamforming

Text Books

Doolan, C., & Moreau, D. (2022). Flow Noise: Theory. Springer Nature.

Hansen, C. H., Doolan, C. J., & Hansen, K. L. (2017). Wind farm noise: measurement, assessment, and control. John Wiley & Sons.

Flight Mechanics


Taller, faster, better, stronger: wind towers are only getting bigger

Which mask works best? We filmed people coughing and sneezing to find out

This video shows just how easily COVID-19 could spread when people sing together

The real science on wind farms, noise, infrasound and health

Wind turbine syndrome - genuine affliction or just a load of noise?


Con Doolan


Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

UNSW Sydney


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